Oliver Manston
Flood Risk Analyst | MEng

I’m an Analyst starting out my career in the flood management industry with Aegaea. I am currently based in Bristol after having completed a master’s in civil engineering at Swansea University. After graduating I spent time working as both a site engineer for a civil engineering contractor and then a watercourse surveyor, collecting data to be used by companies such as Aegaea.
Whilst completing my studies I gained an interest in hydrology and generally working within the water environment and for both my third- and fourth-year projects centred on the understanding of how civil engineering meets water. For my third-year project I completed an experiment which looked at how water particles move in near-shore waves and how this needs to be understood for offshore structure construction. My fourth-year project meant designing a water storage facility for the city of Goma. Both these projects fuelled an interest in working with water and I look forward to keeping that pursuit going at Aegaea.
After graduating I was lucky enough to work on a large coastal defence scheme in Hampshire and was able to experience first hand the dynamic nature of working with water and dealing with the challenges it brings. Then as a watercourse surveyor it was fantastic to be out on site and get an appreciation now for how much our communities rely on and have to work around the river network in this country.
My interest in water environment extends beyond work though and in my spare time I like to get out to the coast and enjoy surfing in south Wales and the north coasts of Devon and Cornwall. I also play guitar and am training for a half marathon (wish me luck)!
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