Alex Brennan
Senior Flood Risk Consultant

I am a Senior Flood Risk Consultant at Aegaea. I have a particular interest in Natural Flood Management Solutions and the application of GIS to flood risk management. My dissertation at the University of Southampton (BSc) was nominated for the British Hydrological Society’s “Best Undergraduate Dissertation” award looking at potential impacts in the River Eden Catchment.
Since graduating I have been working in the flood risk sector with a focus on Flood Risk Assessments, Surface Water Drainage Strategies, GIS and Flood Modelling. I have used my broad technical knowledge base to deliver solutions to overcome site specific flood risk and drainage constraints. I have experience supporting a large variety of developments throughout the UK including commercial and business premises, 1 to 500+ unit residential developments, S278 and S38 schemes, and sui generis.
My notable projects include preparing a new 1D-2D hydraulic model using TUFLOW at a greenfield site in Monkton Heathfield to support a planning application for a new mixed-use development including over 1,000 residential units. The model build was complex, with multiple culverts, bridges, floodplain structures and raised banks to incorporate. The baseline model was used to inform master-planning decisions and ensure flood risk would not be increased elsewhere in the catchment.
In my time outside of work I try to get outdoors as much as possible – hiking, wild camping and the occasional run. You’ll also find me powerlifting, watching Formula 1, or kicking my feet up with a video game!
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