Flood Warning & Evacuation Plans
When do you need a FWEP? How do you write a FWEP? Why is a FWEP important? All questions covered in today's article!
What is a Flood Warning & Evacuation Plan
A Flood Warning & Evacuation Plan (FWEP), also known as a Flood Emergency Plan, is a document which provides site specific actions to take in preparation of and during a flood event. Its aim is to reduce the risk to ife, mitigate damage, and enable a safe and orderly evacuation of site users during a flood.
This aim is achieved by:
- Raising awareness of the flood risk to the site.
- Providing information on the Environment Agency Flood Warning Service (if applicable) and flood lead in times.
- Detailing how the Plan is triggered, who is responsible for participating in the Plan, and how to disseminate flood warning information among site users.
- Establishing safe access and egress routes to a safe refuge location.
- Providing information on alternative safe refuge within the site, should evacuation not be possible.
- Establishing procedures for implementing and maintaining the plan.
When is a Flood Warning & Evacuation Plan Required?
The NPPF states that applicants must provide evidence to show that the proposed development would be safe and that the residual flood risk can be overcome to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority and the Environment Agency. A Flood Evacuation Plan is therefore typically requested when a site is shown to be at residual risk of flooding which is not mitigated by the site’s flood mitigation strategy (either due to site constraints or because it is above the design requirements). A FWEP is also required for more vulnerable sites – typically those “used for holiday or short-let caravans and camping” or “essential ancilliary sleeping or residential accommodation for staff” in water compatible development.
Who is responsible for approving a FWEP?
It is the responsibility of the Local Planning Authority to review and approve the Flood Evacuation Plan. The Environment Agency does not comment on the acceptability of Flood Evacuation Pans and there is no statutory requirement for them to do so.
How do you prepare a FWEP?
An flood waring & evacuation plan needs to take into account:
- the warnings that might be available, inlcuding lead time
- the safest way to leave a site, the route that should be taken and where you need to go.
- the occupant risk profile, the water depth, velocity and hazard as well as more regional context regarding safe egress potential.
This can be a difficult thing to accurately produce and often will need more than a single option or procedure. Aegaea are flood risk experts and therefore, to help prevent any delays through the planning process it is recommended that a flood risk professional, such as the specialists at Aegaea, prepare the Flood Warning & Evacuation Plan for your development. We can typically prepare this as part of your flood risk assessment, saving you time and money.
Please contact us today for more information.
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