Kirsty Tolson
Principal Flood Risk Consultant | BSc PgDIP C.WEM C.Sci MCIWEM

I’m a Principal Flood Risk Consultant at Aegaea with extensive experience in initial due diligence, masterplan development or dealing with planning issues relating to Flood risk. Specialist subject: Flood Risk for planning.
I am a Chartered Principal Flood Risk Consultant with over 10 years’ experience in supporting applicants solve Flood risk issues through the preparation of Flood Risk Assessments.
My career began during my placement year of my studies from which I graduated with a first class honours in ‘Environment Earth Sciences with a Year in Industry’ from the University of East Anglia.
I completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Flood and Coastal Risk Management in 2020 alongside work and have become a Chartered Water and Environment Manager as well as a Chartered Scientist.
My experience includes the preparation of numerical flood models in both TUFLOW-ESTRY and Flood Modeller, hydrological studies using both ReFH2 and FEH Statistical methods, as well as the development of Drainage Strategies for both minor and major applications. This experience has enabled me to manage a diverse range of projects, from supporting householder development to advising on schemes of up to 10,000 homes.
I have had the pleasure of working with private homeowners and property developers, as well as on behalf of Local Authorities. My work, including a number of Strategic Flood Risk Assessments, has involved engaging with a range of Risk Management Authorities such as the Environment Agency, Lead Local Flood Authority and Internal Drainage Boards.
I have successfully respresented clients at appeal and judicial hearing with respect to Flood Risk and planning policy; in particular regarding the application of the Sequential and Exception Test. Notably I represented an appellant on a scheme where modelling had been used to support the assessment of Flood Risk, as agreed during pre-application discussuions with the Lead Local Flood Authority. The modelling and Flood Risk Assessment concluded the occupants of the scheme could be safe, and the risk to the surrounding area would not be increased by the scheme as a result of the proposed flood mitigation. However, the modelling was wrongfully ignored during determination, and I used my thorough understanding of Flood Risk policy and planning procedure to get the decision overturned with all costs awarded.
Based in a little village atop the infamous White Cliffs of Dover, you’ll often find me soaking up the breathtaking views on a walk in my spare time. In addition to Flood risk, I am also highly motivated by food and regularly have ‘experimental dinner night’ at Home (much to the dismay of my husband!). I’ve always got plans for our next travel adventure to explore history and culture (and of course different foods). Last but not least, I musn’t forget to mention my two beautiful tuxedo cats who keep me company in my office when they aren’t off sleeping somewhere obscure!
So whether it’s initial due diligence, masterplan development or dealing with planning issues relating to Flood risk, or anything in between, myself and the great team here at Aegaea would love to support you on your next project! Feel free to drop me an email or a call to discuss.
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Aegaea work alongside home owners, private developers, planning consultants, architects, local authorities, international development agencies and contractors. Aegaea know exactly how to help you.